Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cold Showers

A large portion of my thinking recently has been devoted to how many comforts of life I have taken for granted.  I never truly appreciated being able to drive to the grocery store and choose from a variety of different products, brands, prices, colors, sizes, quantities, qualities, shapes, and so much more. I never fully appreciated the opportunity I had to receive such a wonderful childhood education that has opened so many possible doors for me – of course, I chose to force a hole in the wall and go in the complete opposite direction of all said doors – but still, the opportunity was there.  I never thought twice about being able to enjoy a long, hot shower. 

That brings me to today’s reflection – a reflection that came to me during my 87 second shower this morning.  For those of you who don’t know – I used to get my best contemplating done in the shower – with my Billy Joel or Disney playlist blasting – as I let the hot water take all of the tension out of my body.  Here at Nimar Wentworth – the cost of hot water is astronomical, and after doing some fiddling with our not-so-beautiful hot water heater – I discovered that #1. Most of the crucial parts of this machine are hanging precariously off of the tank and #2.  Anything that spends more than 4 seconds inside said tank will immediately smell like a mixture of rotten eggs, skunk, and sulfur.  So needless to say – we have adjusted to not having hot water in our humble abode.

Most mornings, I wake up and have to give myself a pump up motivational speech before forcing myself under the sheet of icy rain.  Recently, I realized just how ridiculous I was being – and that I should instead be focusing on how truly blessed I am to even have an indoor shower – with clean, running water.  I look at my morning showers as an opportunity that I should not take for granted.  I see that ice cold water as a cleansing, refreshing waterfall that serves to wake me up for a fantastic day on the island of Stone Money. 

With this new revelation – I have learned to love my cold showers.  I have learned to appreciate the little things.  I have discovered that attitude truly can change any situation.  A simple shift in pespective can make the most challenging trials, the most daunting tasks, the most terrifying encounters – the coldest showers – seem like gifts from God – opportunities, chances, blessings.

I am working on keeping my blog posts to a reasonable length.  I write like I talk – a lot.  This one is for you, Betty.  Short and sweet – just like my cold showers.

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” 
                                                   – Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. A shift in perspective--recasting "terrifying encounters" as opportunities from God--this would have helped me some years ago...e.g., when I was teaching! But God introduced me to the practice (a mental discipline I must exercise whenever "terrifying encounters" surface) when I was ready. Thanks for sharing, Michael!
