Thursday, July 19, 2012

Extreme Makeover: Yap Edition

 Many people have been asking for pictures to be posted, and I am slowly but surely getting some of them up on Facebook - it just takes a few hours to upload a handful of pictures, so I am doing my best to have them upload overnight.  One of the greatest lessons I took away from my wonderful Jesuit institution of higher education is the concept of "Metanoia" or "transformation."  We are always striving to better ourselves, to make oneself into the best possible version of oneself - this is Metanoia.  In regards to this blog entry, I have decided to take everyone through a little before and after photo shoot of the Metanoia that has occurred in transforming our ashamed, cold, forgotten house into a humble, warm, loving home.  (I promise more pictures soon to come of the actual island, but I want to keep you all anxious and reading of course.)

Before: Main Entrance / Living Room
After: Main Entrance/ Living Room

Before: Living Room
After: Living Room
Before: Dining Area/Kitchen

After: Dining Area/ Kitchen

Before: Kitchen

After: Kitchen
After: Kitchen

Before: Hallway

After: Hallway

After: Living Room/ Hallway

Before: Laundry Area/ Back Door

After: Laundry Area/ Back Door
Before: Back Porch

After: Back Porch

Before: Bedroom
Before: Bedroom
After: Bedroom
After: Bedroom
After: Bedroom

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."
-Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. You still hanging your hats on the wall makes me very happy. I am glad to hear things are going well! Do you have an address for sending of letters and such yet?
